

Woolen roving frame

JHFB1478 three axis differential speed full servo woolen computer roving machine

JHFB1478 three axis differential speed full servo woolen computer roving machine

JHFB1478 three axis differential speed full servo woolen computer roving machine, adopting advanced computer numerical control technology, the cone wheel mechanism, mechanical forming mechanism, reversing mechanism, rapid lifting mechanism and differential mechanism of the original roving frame are removed, so that the three main transmission parts can be completely independent transmission, and the three-axis linkage is carried out by computer numerical control and servo drive mode. It is an advanced electromechanical integration at present in China. Roving equipment. It is suitable for pure spinning and blending of wool, hemp and chemical fber.
Remove the original differential mechanism, maintain more convenient.
Electronic moldinq toothless gap transmission, even tension constant.

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